
What to Do When Your Business is in Financial Trouble


Any business owner will have the same drive and passion for their business to grow and succeed, but through no fault of their own, the company could run into financial difficulty and face potential bankruptcy. The reality of this is both stressful and heart-wrenching, after plunging years of hard graft into the venture. However, there are ways you can turn the tables and find a solution.

It can be very easy to close your eyes and pray that it will all go away; however, as expected, this will only make the problem worse. If you believe your business is on the brink of collapse, this guide will give you some useful information on how to get out of a financial mess and give your business the best chance of survival.

1. Face your debts

First and foremost, it’s important to sit down and evaluate how much debt you owe. Unfortunately, no matter how long you try and sweep these worries under the carpet, it won’t get any better. The letters will continuously be pushed through your front door, and you could be summoned to court if you refuse to acknowledge the issue. Although it is terrifying to come to terms with your financial strains, you should pluck up the courage to speak with your creditors. Realistically, all they want is to get the money back, so they should be willing to work with you to come up with an appropriate financial plan that you can afford over an agreed period of time.

2. Take out a business loan

If you’re confident that you can get your business finances under control with a bit of help from a loan firm like Ascot Bridging Finance, then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t take out a business loan during the most difficult period. This would only be advised if you require a small amount of cash to tide you over, and you’re confident you’ll be able to pay it back quickly (depending on the company’s policies). You can apply for business loans from to get the cash you need in a matter of days to support your business.

3. Cut costs

One technique to boost your cash flow is to cut costs where possible. This may mean selling business assets or in the worst-case scenario, making staff redundant. While it may be difficult to be upfront with your staff about the financial state of the business, it’s only fair to make them aware of what the future may hold.

To get an idea of your outgoings, it would be wise to create a spreadsheet with every single business expense listed clearly and determine where cuts need to be made to keep your business afloat. From then onwards, it would be wise to plan a strict business budget and chase customers who owe you money, by sending polite but firm warning emails which state the formal repercussions if they don’t pay. 

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